What does IPERC do?

Preparedness Meeting

IPERC can arrange for assessments, presentations, planning assistance, and training at your site.

Forges Local Links:  IPERC helps build links between houses of worship, their local Fire Department Emergency Management Office, the American Red Cross, and other response agencies.

Raises Awareness:  Through speakers, events, and online information, IPERC actively encourages Houses of Worship to join the effort to expand Emergency Evacuation Shelter capacity.

Facilitates Access to Resources:  IPERC provides convenient access to the wealth of information and resources that is available to organizations that operate Emergency Evacuation Shelters.

Centralizes Contact Information:  Emergency contact information specific to each participating shelter is made available, so coordination in a crisis can be as quick and effective as possible.

Provides Shelter Management Tools:  Online templates and software tools for setting up and operating a shelter and volunteer team are made available though the IPERC website.

Builds Communication Channels:  Communications are critical in a crisis. IPERC helps with email and text message tools for alerting teams quickly and efficiently when disaster strikes.

Fosters National Denominational Disaster Response Links:  IPERC helps establish contacts between each House of Worship and their denomination's national response team.